Big retailers are opening today (maybe to mitigate Black Friday tramplings). Does this mean that next year they'll open yesterday? Is this gray Thursday? Anyway, people are tired of being broke so they're buying stuff.

Reuters report that:

While traffic to stores on the Thursday is relatively light, people who do make it out are mostly hard-core shoppers and highly likely to buy.

But also that no-one has any idea what's going on with those shoppers tomorrow and in the future — people are tired of the recession, but:

"The consumer is confused. They don't know whether to spend or not," said Marshal Cohen, senior analyst at retail consultant NPD Group.

Because everyone wants your money anyway Wal-Mart, Gap, Radio Shack, Walgreens, Old Navy and doubtless some other stores that sell stuff have opened their doors. This meant that lots of store staff and some poor Reuters reporter had to a) work today and/or ask people about their shopping habits. If you have a desperate need for discount slacks, iPod cables or TheraFlu then go my people! Stimulate the economy!