Adam Lambert's crotch-thrusting, face-humping performance did not sit well with many viewers hoping for a staid and wholesome American Music Awards. Unsurprised enough yet? Well here's another very predictable fact: It was the gay parts that pissed people off.

•ABC was flooded with more than 1,500 complaints from parents whose kids turned instantly gay at the sight of Lambert kissing his male keyboardist. The very douche-y Parents Television Council weighed in: "These programs are wholly unsuitable for children now and it's pathetic," said a spokesperson. Meanwhile, Lambert was characteristically blithe about the whole thing: "I had fun, my dancers had fun, the audience... had fun. Anybody else who was watching it and enjoying it, thank you for being entertained." But.. what about the... oh, never mind! [Variety]

•Judd Apatow's production company has picked up three new movies—and only one of them is obviously a bromance! All three were pitched by Aziz Ansari (of Apatow's "Funny People" and NBC's "Parks & Recreation") and Jason Woliner (a member with Ansari in the sketch troupe Human Giant). The two will write at least one of the films, which includes "a road movie about two guys who work for a motivational speaking company." Aziz Anzari is, how do you say, "totally blowing up"? [Variety]

Buffy creator Joss Whedon has received the Producers Guild of America Vanguard Award for "achievements in new media and technology." But you know what he probably would rather have? Dollhouse not to be canceled. [Deadline]

•Further proof that rich people love singing and dancing: Fox's Glee scores highest among broadcast primetime shows in the "upscale viewers" demo. [The Wrap]

•Obligatory "Twilight" news: FX has acquired the TV rights to the four "Twilight" movies. Says tweens with basic cable: "SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" [THR]

•Google continues its quest to catalog all your data: Tivo is partnering with the Big G to help it determine who is watching the ads on their Tivo-'d shows. Do people actually do this!? [THR]