Free booze was sought for Gothamist; freaky flasher pics were sent to Gizmodo; and Busy Philipps' day was ruined. The Twitterati asked for one thing and got something else entirely.

Gothamist's Jake Dobkin apparently thought better of asking liquor companies for free product, as he's deleted the tweet in question. But you still know where to send the bottles, flacks.

Actress Busy Philipps was forced to admit that she does look a bit like Perez Hilton in drag. It was not a happy process.

Try to digitally flash Gizmodo's Rosa Golijan, and she will remember your distinguishing marks.

London-born MIT Technology Review editor Jason Pontin asked Economist veteran Chris Anderson, now of Wired, to agree that Americans generally have terrible design taste. It must be nice to edit for such an undiscerning audience.

Tech writer Milo Yiannopoulos's conversation partner probably didn't see it coming.

Did you witness the media elite tweet something indiscreet? Please email us your favorite tweets - or send us more Twitter usernames.