Damn! New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo's assault on potentially corrupt banks continues in earnest: he has subpoenaed five Bank of America directors. And this is just the beginning...

The five directors haven't been named, but Cuomo wants to know whether they misled shareholders in the weeks leading up to its merger with Merrill Lynch, especially about the $36 million in extra losses that were posted after the deal was complete. But Cuomo's not stopping there:

Cuomo plans to subpoena most, if not all, of the directors over the next several weeks, said the source, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the investigation is ongoing. Bank of America chief executive Kenneth D. Lewis has already testified.

These subpoenas, sources say, could be part of a game plan to bring charges against some Bank officials. And, even if that's not true, this will make great campaign fodder should Cuomo run for governor next year.