Bobby Jindal just can't win! The Louisiana Governor became a national joke last year, after he attempted to counter President Obama in that laughable speech. Now, after months of lying low, he's taking heat for taking a helicopter to church.

Yes, that's right: Jindal, a Catholic, has been using a state helicopter to visit Protestant churches across the state. This doesn't sit well with the liberal InterFaith Alliance, which has demanded Jindal repay the good people of Louisiana. Rather than offering contrition, however, Jindal and his team are going on the offensive, because — what else — InterFaith likes the gays! Said his spokeswoman, Melissa Sellers:

This political group opposes putting crosses up in honor of fallen policemen, has attacked the National Day of Prayer and advocates for same-sex marriage, so it's not surprising that they are attacking the governor for accepting invitations to speak at Louisiana churches.

Oh, right. This group's nothing but a bunch of homo-loving atheists and, therefore, should be ignored. We can't say we don't understand Jindal and company's defensive attitude. Though once one of the GOP's rising stars, Jindal's become something of a pariah. Every candidate he's endorsed over the past few months has lost their respective bids and has come under fire for choosing a Delhi-based food processing plant over a local company.

This mini-scandal's especially humorous because his budget director just lamented the fact that there are too many government cars, which are eating a hole in the state's declining coffers. If you're looking into politics as a career and want tips on what not to do, look no further than Bobby Jindal.