Supporters Need Intervention Against Politically Abusive Palin
If political support were a relationship, Sarah Palin would be a wife beater. Conservatives rallied around her during last year's presidential election, turning her into a demigod. Despite all the love and attention, Palin continues to let them down.
The Alaska Family Council held an event this evening to bolster support for their latest ballot initiative, which supports a law demanding parents be told if their dirty, sexually active child goes to get an abortion. And, as far as they were concerned, Palin had agreed to headline their event. They were twice told she would attend and were absolutely vibrating with anticipation:
We look forward to Governor Palin honoring her commitment to attend, and we appreciate her public support of our effort to pass this important voter initiative to protect the rights of parents and the health of teenage girls.
Unfortunately for them, Sarah didn't show. According to her spokeswoman, Meghan Stapleton, Palin isn't even in Alaska and never actually planned on gracing the AFC with her presence. She has other things to do. What, we can't imagine. Certainly not tending to her totally sound, healthy marriage.
This has become quite a pattern for Palin. Not only did she totally wimp out and give up her gubernatorial powers, but she also stood up the Simi Valley Republican Women, who thought she was speaking at their event at the Ronald Reagan Presidential library earlier this month. She also pulled out of CPAC convention and a Republican fundraiser earlier this year.
Like so many of her supporters, Palin's treating the AFC like yesterday's trick. How long, we wonder, until they and others summon the strength and liberate themselves from this abusive relationship.