In your motivational Tuesday media column: CNN sensibly bans Lou Dobbs types, Tina Brown spans the Atlantic, America's stupidest magazines flourish, and Times Square is getting .03% less irritating.

Ha: CNN prez Jon Klein, who lately has been seeming like a pretty okay dude, has told his producers to stop booking radio talk show hosts as guests, because they are "too predictable," meaning "wingnutty." Admirable! Lou Dobbs is himself a radio talk show host, btw.

Tina Brown is launching a British version of The Daily Beast "within months." Truly, Barry Diller's fortune is bottomless. But not growing.

Turn that frown upside down: some magazines actually managed to raise their ad pages in the first half of this year, as compared to last year. They include Fitness, Cooking With Paula Deen, The Week, OK!, Family Circle, Scholastic Parent & Child, Organic Gardening, Sports Illustrated for Kids, Country Weekly, and Muscle & Fitness. The clear formula for magazine success now: Target America's stupidest readers.

MTV is moving out of its famed Times Square studio because its famed Times Square studio has raised the rent 1000% over the past decade. Now you'll all have to find somewhere else to stand and wave your testicles at the Jonas Brothers.