
Here Are The Craziest Moments from Lou Dobbs' 25–Year Too Late 'Piss Christ' Discussion

Robert Kessler · 10/01/12 04:03PM

Last night on "Lou Dobbs Tonight" an entire segment was dedicated to the 1987 photograph taken by Andres Serrano of a crucifix submerged in his own piss, otherwise known as "Piss Christ." Dobbs invited former Komen VP Karen Handel and Catholic League President Bill Donahue along for the ride. Handel and Donahue, who are clearly not art critics, proceeded to list the reasons they do not like "Piss Christ" and the whole thing climaxed when Donahue revealed his "opus."

Report: This Internet Thing Is Really Catching On

Hamilton Nolan · 03/14/11 01:14PM

In your transitional Monday media column: the State of the Media is okay, James O'Keefe may not be a totally trustworthy journalist, hiring at HuffPo, Lou Dobbs is back, Larry King may join The Daily Show, and Mental Floss has a mental owner.

The Year's Best Media Scandals

Hamilton Nolan · 12/29/10 12:18PM

When the media becomes the news, everyone is entertained. Media scandals are the best scandals of all, for their enjoyable mix of forced professionalism and palpable discomfort. Come; let us look back at the year's ten best.

Lou Dobbs Returns, to Be Ignored

Hamilton Nolan · 11/10/10 02:35PM

In your bloviating Wednesday media column: Lou Dobbs gets a new show, Tribune Co prepares for bonus season, Business Insider backtracks on a listicle, and Slate is—or is it?

Celebrities: Inconvenienced by the Big Volcano!

Max Read · 04/18/10 02:06PM

If you thought that being a celebrity meant you were given some kind of gold-plated volcano-proof airplane, well boy, were you wrong. While Eyjafjallajokull traps little people in Europe's hellish social democracies, Whitney Houston is being burdened, too!

Dobbs Backs Down

cityfile · 01/14/10 10:43AM

There's plenty of stuff going on in the news to keep you awake at night, matters both foreign (Haiti, obviously) and domestic (Harold Ford running for Senate). So it's always nice when you can cross something off your "worst fears" list. The Post reports today that immigrant-hating former CNN anchor Lou Dobbs has decided not to run for political office, after all. He's decided to stick to TV instead, a source tells the paper, which means you can start counting the minutes until you see oversized frame parked next to Sarah Palin on a couch at Fox News. [NYP, previously]

Courtney Love's Loss; The Return of Tara Reid

cityfile · 12/15/09 07:58AM

• Courtney Love has lost control of her daughter. Frances Bean Cobain is almost an adult—she's 17—but a LA judge has granted guardianship to Kurt Cobain's mother and younger sister yesterday. Don't think it's because Courtney is on drugs or completely crazy (although she is). It's just that Frances is a "strong-willed child" and prefers to "live with her grandmother at this time." [People, TMZ]
• Alex Rodriguez and Kate Hudson have yet to confirm reports they've broken up, but it's looking like A-Rod has already moved on. He was seen in Miami this past weekend in the company of a "leggy blonde," and reportedly told another bunch of girls he was chatting up that he's "definitely single." [P6, NYDN]
• Tara Reid's redemption is underway! Not only is she hanging out with classy characters like Giuseppe Cipriani, she's announced that she'll be appearing topless in the January-February issue of Playboy. Welcome back! [P6, Us]

cityfile · 12/03/09 04:52PM

• ABC has offered George Stephanopoulos the job of Good Morning America co-host and "intensive negotiations" are now reportedly underway. [WP]
• More on how the deal to hand over control of NBC to Comcast came together; and more on how the deal will be viewed by regulators in Washington.
• Oprah won't be hosting her own show when her cable network debuts in 2011, but she will have a "significant presence" on OWN, reportedly. [NYP]
• The magazine graveyard: National Geographic Adventure is no more. [NYT
• Cuts: Thomson Reuters is laying off 240; Daily Candy is shutting down seven of its 12 editions and laying off half a dozen; and ALM is shuttering four titles.
Town & Country is planning to sex up the magazine, apparently. [WWD]
• An unnamed former Forbes staffer is writing a tell-all about the mag. [DF]
Lou Dobbs is a nasty, evil man. But you probably knew that. [TDB]
• Someone is paying "at least $100 million" for Friendster? [Reuters]
• This year's Grammy nominations were announced this morning. [LAT]

cityfile · 12/02/09 03:35PM

Rupert Murdoch is hoping to give the Times a run for its money. The mogul plans to put $15 million into the NYC edition of the Wall Street Journal. [NYO]
• ABC still hasn't said who's replacing Diane Sawyer on Good Morning America, which has led to some "puzzlement and frustration" among staffers. [LAT]
• Why is Comcast planning to keep Jeff Zucker on as NBC Universal's CEO after it takes control of the company? There are no easy explanations, alas. [NYT]
• The Times may "prune" its collection of 70 blogs to cut expenses. [NYO]
• Sam Zell has stepped down as CEO of Tribune; he'll remain chairman. [NYT]
• The lineup for Sundance 2010 was announced today. [Vulture, NYT]
• Tiger Woods' spicy extracurricular activities would have come out two years ago if the National Enquirer hadn't cut a deal with the golfer. Allegedly. [NYP]

cityfile · 12/01/09 05:01PM

• The deal between Comcast and GE to hand over control of NBC Universal to the cable giant is done; an announcement may come Thursday. [CNBC]
• Job cuts hit Gannett today; USA Today is reducing its staff by 5 percent. [AP]
• So much for Lou Dobbs moving over to CNBC. The cable network now says it has no plans to hire the ex-CNN anchor/possible political candidate. [NYT]
• Will Bravo get into trouble if it goes ahead and casts White House state dinner crashers Tareq and Michaele Salahi on The Real Housewives of DC? Did the Today land an interview with the couple because of their pending deal with sister network Bravo? So many questions, so few answers. [NYDN, Gawker]

Dobbs To CNBC?

cityfile · 12/01/09 11:05AM

Is Lou Dobbs giving up on his dream of one day becoming a U.S. Senator or President of the United States? Is his effort to convince people that he really loves the people of Mexico failing him? Or is he just looking for a platform to spout nonsense as he gears up for a campaign? None of that is clear at the moment, but the New York Times reports that Dobbs is in talks to join CNBC, either as host of a primetime program or a commentator for the business network. [NYT]