The critics think her first big-budget movie sucks. The Washington Post thinks Sienna Miller's famous for no reason. But just wait until you see how Vogue goes after her in The September Issue! This girl's got it bad.

When R.J. Cutler's documentary (out August 28!) about the making of Vogue screened at Sundance, the gossips picked up on Miller being called "toothy, and we finally have the moment between photog Mario Testino and design director Charles Churchward (who left the magazine last summer) discussing her dental work and how much work her neck is going to need to be presentable. You heard about it, but seeing it is even worse.

If you think that is bad, just wait to see the face that she elicits from the usually stoic Anna Wintour when she first sees Miller in the dress that she is meant to wear on the cover. It is somewhere between disgusted surprise and unamused scorn.

Is Miller the only celeb who would agree to be on the cover of the issue knowing they'd have to deal with the accompanying potentially unflattering documentary footage? Maybe Anna's face says, "Jesus, this is what I'm forced to put on the cover of my magazine?!" And if so, what a way to repay her.

Just like she can't help getting on Anna's bad side, Sienna can't really be blamed for the cinematic abortion that is G.I. Joe (actually, she's one of the best parts about it), but its release seems like the perfect time to go after her. Dragging out the dead horse about the famous-for-being-famous for a few more pounds, Amy Argetsinger uses Miller as the lynchpin for her lynching of the "famesque."

Right about now you're thinking, "Who's Sienna Miller again? Remind me why I'm supposed to know her?"

It's okay! There's absolutely no reason you should know who she is—not even if you're a religious follower of the celebrity press that tracks her so closely. She's an actress, but odds are you've never seen a single one of her movies or TV shows. Miller is a pioneer in a new kind of fame that is changing our celebrity culture, a fame that is increasingly disconnected from the star's success in the field for which he or she is ostensibly famous.

That is a new kind of fame? As Argetsinger points out, people have been obsessed with people for no particular reason since Zsa Zsa Gabor, but still Argetsinger needles Miller through her entire article.

Sure, Miller may be most famous for baring her tits and sleeping with married men, but it's gotta suck when you become the celeb punching bag du jour.