Happy Terrorist Fist Jab Anniversary Day! On June 3, 2008, the Obamas gave each other a pound as he locked up the nomination, shocking whites everywhere. Now—as Dr. King dreamed—it's accepted. A year of Obama pounds, in photos.

Here are ten photos from the past year, proving that fist jabs have overcome their scary, black-person-centric origins and flowered into a glorious tableau of diversity. Most notably, as you will see, the Obamas have learned to make whites accepting of pounds by employing a clever strategy: giving pounds to white people, which inevitably gives the receiver an irresistible momentary shudder of coolness. (Although black people still enjoy pounds, as well!) Media experts have been unable to determine where the Obamas may have learned the art of the "Fist Bump," though white scholars are determined to track it back to its murky origins. Enjoy.

The gross display of radical sexuality that started it all. Pic: Getty.

In West Virginia, with an Iraq vet. Pic: Getty.

In Washington, with LA Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa. Pic: Getty.

In North Carolina, with Governor Mike Easley. Pic: Getty.

In the White House, with senior staffer Pete Rouse. Pic: Getty.

In Baghdad, with soldiers. Pic: Getty.

At the Naval Academy graduation. Pic: AP.

At Arizona State's graduation. Pic: AP.

Michelle with some lucky nerd at a DC dinner. Pic: Getty.

With terrorist child. Pic: AP.

[More celebration at The Root]