In your sunny Friday media column: Dan Peres has balls, high school reporters have dreams, Arthur Sulzberger has an honest moment, and the media at large has nothing to look forward to:

Details editor Dan Peres had a little red meat for the crowd at his speech at Columbia J-school last night: "He called a neighbor in Westchester an 'asshole' after the man wondered aloud why anyone would pay j-school tuition... 'We'll be around a lot longer than his investment bank will,' said Mr. Peres." No comment. Whatsoever.

Sure, high school journalists like Josiah Jones of Lee's Summit, Missouri, know that the journalism industry is in rough shape, but "Jones plans to pursue a journalism career, completely undeterred by the forces buffeting the profession." Yea well millions of high school kids also plan on being NBA players and rock stars. The odds are against you, my friend.

Bad media news roundup: Media General is closing its DC bureau and laying off six journalists; NPR, of all places, is canceling all of its newspaper subscriptions; and a new report from Barclays Capital predicts that US advertising revenue will decline by 13% this year. Only three things, it's a good day!

NYT publisher Pinch Sulzberger: ""The immediate future looks, at a minimum, grim...Traditional revenue streams are anemic and getting worse." This is true. Though admirably direct, by NYT standards! He says the paper may start charging for some of its online content, which is inevitable.

See a family resemblance here? Eh? That's right, it's young AG Sulzberger, intrepid rookie NYT reporter and son of the man pictured above! The Observer reports he has the "attitude and presence of an intern." Buck up son! [Pic via]