OK!'s cover this week shows Suri Cruise and Shiloh Jolie-Pitt on an adorable playdate! Now, let's look at the two separate photos they stitched together to create this Frankenstein-like Photoshop:

Not only does the accompanying story not mention the photo fiction, but "Suri & Shiloh's Playdate" is actually an alleged plan for an alleged playdate, sometime in the future, allegedly. Hey wait, OK! magazine is just pure crap. Surprise!

And would you like to hear the bit of news that makes this really and truly astounding? Just yesterday, OK!'s UK edition was forced to print an apology to Victoria Beckham for doing the exact same type of Photoshop job on last month's cover there. Ha, incredible! Just incredible.

On the positive side, OK! finally hired a promoted someone already on staff to be the new editor. Congratulations and best of luck, Katie Caperton!

[This Photoshop hackery also pointed out yesterday by Dodai at Jezebel]