Why would Rihanna record a duet with her abusive boyfriend? Why would Marc Jacobs talk about his junk with Victoria Beckham? Did Quentin Tarantino just ask me for change? Tuesday is confusing.

  • Rihanna might be a "loser" to Donald Trump for going back to Chris "I Will Kill You" Brown, but the singer presumably hopes the epic duet she's recording with Brown will set everyone straight. Decide for yourself if Rihanna deserves the inevitable late-night jokes about her "smash hit" and so forth.
  • Marc Jacobs explained Photoshop shrinkage to Victoria Beckham. Concerning his nude photo in January's Harper's Bazzar: "They've done this horrible thing, Victoria. They've airbrushed me, so I look like a Ken doll." [WWD]
  • Alec Baldwin doesn't care if you're 11 years old, or 12 years old, or a child — you will watch his Turner Classic Movies cinema showcase show when the appointed time comes, Saturday 8 pm, and have the decency to have the God-d*maned television turned on! [Variety]
  • Eighteen months from blissful wedding to bitter divorce and the gossip columns. It's another JDate success story. Literally! [P6]
  • Quentin Tarantino is going around town dressed like a bum. [P6]
  • Now Paris Hilton has attached herself to Douglas Reinhardt from The Hills. It's too late to use tape recordings of their conversations on prisoners at Gitmo. [Mirror]