In your deadly Tuesday media column: Arena is dead, Steven Brill is back to save journalism (with Emily???), the Washington Post tries to cut pay creatively, and our Martha Stewart feud continues:

Arena, a 22 year-old men's magazine based in the UK, is being folded by Bauer publishing. Its final issue comes out this month. Essentially Arena got its ass kicked by GQ and Esquire and every other UK men's magazine. The real tragedy: That Arena cover line saying "BRITAIN'S FASTEST-GROWING MEN'S MAGAZINE."

Media wise man Steven Brill is quitting his boring old job as CEO of Verified Identity Pass (boring!) in order to "pursue personal interests relating to public service and journalism." If his interests don't include bringing back his daughter Emily in a major way, we're not interested.

Here's some "out of the box" money-saving thinking by a newspaper company: the Washington Post is trying to get its union to agree to let the paper create a new job, paying $34K per year, called "community journo": "primary focus of this position will be to report on stories of local and community interest for the Extras and to perform multimedia work; employees in this position may also report for the daily paper." Except they "should not be expected to be promoted to 'reporter.'" The union was like yea right fuckers, that's called "a reporter getting paid $34k."

Martha Stewart Living, in an effort to draw in more advertisers, is going to "broaden editorial focus" by adding beauty, fashion, and travel coverage. Not added: differently-colored pens.