Forget simple rational reasoning. The Fox & Friends crew can't even say a damn catchphrase right. When talking about The Simpsons this morning, Gretchen Carlson and friends did a long string of terrible "D'oh"s.

Considering The Simpsons will soon become the longest running scripted television series in history and Homer's "D'oh!" annoyed grunt is possibly the most famous of its myriad catchphrases, you'd think that the boobs at Fox News (part of the same family!) could at least say one damn syllable the way it's supposed to be said. But no, Gretchen doesn't watch the show (of course she doesn't, it's all Grey's Anatomy and gruesome torture porn for her, I'm sure) so she did some sad slide-whistle version and then the brave, strapping men rushed in to help her and stumbled like idiots too. Eat my slacks, everyone.

Thanks to video intern Ari Golub for the clip.