If you ran a magazine (maybe you do!), what would you consider a reasonable salary for the head of your little magazine industry trade group? 'Click through' and find out the real, ridiculous answer!

[This is not the answer to 'What would you consider a reasonable salary for the head of an industry trade group—not oil, or pharma, or defense contracting, or tobacco—in the midst of a recession?' We imagine the answer to that would be, I don't know, $200K, pretty reasonable?]

Nina Link, the head of the Magazine Publishers of America, makes $740,000 a year. Even at the very good magazine freelance rate of $2/ word, you'd have to write like 100 long features per year to make that much cash. So that means that Nina Link's per word rate is like.... $740,000, because, I forgot, she is not a magazine writer, she's a lobbyist.

Which is partially why Hachette Filipacchi, American Media, and New York magazine have all now pulled out of the MPA. Wisely saving themselves hundreds of thousands in dues! As long as they can still get those sweet National Magazine Awards then nuts with your crazy salary, Nina. [NYP]