When Jennifer Aniston feels sentimental, she plays her old Brad Pitt phone messages. When Guy Ritchie feels sentimental, he does gay karaoke. When Marc Jacobs feels sentimental, he screws rentboy-style, outside.

  • Remember when rumors about a straight star in a gay bar were undesirable for the celebrity? These days the star not only goes to the bar but sings a showtune there and leaks the whole thing to the gossip columns, to prove he's totally comfortable around gay people. Especially if the star is Guy Ritchie, accused homophobe. But he makes sure to throw in that he had two "hot chicks" with him, just so, you know, no one thinks he's light in the loafers. [P6]
  • Christian Bale's mom knows how that director of photography feels. "I wish [Christian] hadn't carried on so long or so fiercely, it was upsetting to hear him." [OK!]
  • Jennifer Aniston let slip in a magazine interview that she still has Brad Pitt's old answering machine messages. Oh, oh Jennifer. Even as a publicity stunt for your movie: Sad. [Mirror]
  • Marc Jacobs' boyfriend wore a t-shirt to a movie screening reading, "Do me in the park. Marc." Such a Sean Preston move. [P6]
  • Katie Couric is not afraid to speak the name of Justin Timberlake's SNL skit, "Dick in a Box." Or to be seen asking him about it in an interview. [Scoop]