Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner mixed well with the gay former mayor of New Jersey, while a Variety movie reviewer had a much harder time stomaching interaction with the real-life "Dude" from The Big Lebowski.

  • A Variety critic slugged a movie flack at Sundance for supposedly harassing him. Also, the flack was "The Dude" from The Big Lebowski, except the real-life version. True story. [P6]
  • Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner went on a double-date with Jim McGreevey and whoever the former New Jersey governor is sleeping with now. [P6]
  • Marc Jacobs will soon be neighbors with Daniel "Harry Potter" Radcliffe at 40 Mercer in SoHo. [Post]
  • Vogue landed Michelle Obama for the cover, which the world knows thanks to a press release put out by the First Lady's hairdresser. [WWD]
  • Sharon Stone will talk to Larry King, but she's way too good for his stand-in D.L. Hughley. Too much Change in one night, apparently. [P6]
  • George Clooney will be the prettiest doctor in America one last time, on E.R. It's a "secret." [People]