Mazel tov to Daily News publisher Mort Zuckerman who at the spry age of 71 welcomed his second daughter, Renee Esther, into the world last Friday. Now, just who's the mother?

The announcement, which ran today in the News' recently rejiggered Gatecrasher gossip column is pretty bare-bones, only indicating that the new baby was born last Friday and, "A delighted father and daughter are now at home celebrating with elder sister Abigail."

The real estate magnate who now prides himself as a media mogul — aside from the News, he also owns U.S. News and World Reportmarried Marla Prather in 1996 (Abigail was born in 1997) and then divorced in 2001. Aside from that matrimony, since then he's long stoked his bachelor reputation by keeping company with, at one point or another, the likes of Gloria Steinem, Ariana Huffington, Diane von Furstenberg and Bianca Jagger. (Yes, there's a pattern in there somewhere.)

Though he's a self-confessed dabbler in plastic surgery and other youthful tonics, his "dating" life has seemed to slow down in recent years. The most recent supposed paramour we turned up was Diandra Douglas (ex-wife of Michael Douglas), but she's since married a guitar maker.

So, the question remains: whose fertile loins produced Zuckerman's latest bundle of joy? Your info and speculation would be much appreciated.