Everyone is speculating wildly: The Post asks if Tom Cruise gave his wives cold sores; Hollywood reporters accuse their boss of naughty flights and Madonna thinks a new baby can maybe fix everything.

  • Tom Cruise's wife Katie Holmes has cold sores. His ex-wife Nicole Kidman had cold sores. "Cold sore" is a polite term for "oral herpes... transmitted very easily from one kisser to another." Page Six is just saying! And Cruise isn't commenting. [P6]
  • Hollywood Reporter writers don't get to fly to Sundance next month, which they blame on publisher Eric Mika, for purportedly blowing the budget visiting his, ahem, "close personal friend" in... Asia. Somewhere on that... continent. [P6]
  • Madonna might not come to Britain for Christmas because ex-husband Guy Ritchie won't let her sleep in the country mansion where he will be, and there are no hotels nearby. He single "Miles Away" is her worst-charting in 24 years, below even that song she made for an Estee Lauder perfume in 1996. The stress got so bad, Madonna compulsively adopted a new baby.
  • In this corner: Graydon Carter and some purported "vile slumlords" who own Waverly Inn with the Vanity Fair editor. In that corner: Poor renters and vile flack Ronn Torossian. [P6]
  • Barack Obama is president, so Oprah Winfrey is picking out a Georgetown mansion, and probably wondering why she hasn't been called about any cabinet posts yet. Sigh. Maybe "political adviser" then, like Karl Rove. [P6]
  • Simon Cowell might leave American Idol. [Scoop]
  • Marci Klein, the Calvin Klein heriess and Saturday Night Live producer, is in the process of divorcing her model husband. [P6]