Can hipster clothing conglomerate American Apparel and its balls-out CEO Dov Charney never have a normal, peaceful, lawsuit, which is settled quietly and forgotten about? Most recently, the company was fighting back against a lawsuit by ex-employee Roberto Hernandez by trotting out his ex-lovers and leaking documents showing that Hernandez himself recently defended Charney from the very charges he's now being sued for. And now AA is playing more legal hardball! The company is trying to prove to the world that Keith Fink, the lawyer for another ex-employee suing Dov for sexual harassment, is in fact an extortionate scumbag himself. Leaked internal emails below:

When AA leaked a statement that Hernandez had written defending Dov Charney, it was a straightforward matter: this guy is a hypocrite. This bit of brinksmanship is less clear cut. Jezebel has reported on AA's side of this sexual harassment case brought by former employee Mary Nelson—Basically, the company says that Keith Fink, Nelson's lawyer, tried to get the company to give her money in exchange for her admitting her charges were bogus; then, they say, Fink reneged on the deal and tried to smear AA in the press. Now, Mark Ebner's Hollywood Interrupted has published internal emails between Fink and AA attorneys, which purportedly show that Fink tried to "blackmail" Dov Charney in this case. Without knowing the actual truth of Nelson's allegations or being intimately familiar with the law, we can't rightly say whether Fink did anything unethical here, or whether he's just being a zealous asshole, as most lawyers are expected to be. But here are the emails between AA's lawyers and Fink, in chronological order:

[Hollywood Interrupted]