So the other day, Alaska Senator Sarah Palin staged her traditional "pardoning a turkey" photo-op standing directly in front of a man engaged in slaughtering turkeys, because, hey, a team of mavericks won't always agree on where to hold the easiest photo-op of any politician's career. Maybe she can stage the ribbon-cutting of an orphanage at an abortion clinic next time? (Haha as if Alaska had any of those.) Then, because life isn't bizarre enough these days, shouty MSNBC political pundit Keith Olbermann discussed the issue with daytime TV's soft-spoken criminal mastermind Martha Stewart. Martha was not happy. "That was an especially gruesome scene back there," she says. Why is Keith Olbermann in Martha Stewart's cozy stage kitchen wearing a comfortable black sweater, maybe pretending to cook something? We don't know! Though Inside Edition, America's Best Peabody-Award-Winning(?) Syndicated News-Resembling Program, tracked down the guy who actually slaughtered the turkeys, back there behind Sarah Palin, for a heartwarming Thanksgiving tale of redemption and Man's Dominion of the Earth.

For the first time, the world is now hearing from the man seen in the background of Governor Sarah Palin's visit to an Alaskan turkey farm. Brian Tomes says he was just doing his job and "things happen." Tomes was going about his gruesome task of slaughtering turkeys as Palin gave a TV interview, talking about her Thanksgiving plans. The farmhand told INSIDE EDITION he didn't realize he could be seen as Palin was speaking. "I thought they had panned in on her face…I did try and block the process," he says. The video has become a YouTube sensation with more than 2.2 million hits so far. Tomes has worked at the Triple D Turkey Farm in Palin's hometown of Wasilla, Alaska for the past nine years. He says Palin is being unfairly criticized over the video. "The only thing I can say is, 'Don't mess with my Governor!'"

Ok, Mr. Tomes. We've resisted everyone else's calls to "lay off" Governor Palin but as a cold-blooded killer, you present a compelling argument. Thank You, Sarah Palin!