Tonight's 60 Minutes sit-down with President-Elect Barack Obama and his wife Michelle was the media equivalent of a fluffernutter sandwich, and it tasted good. Here the couple were relaxed and clearly happy to have ended the long campaign. Giggling with big smiles, the two won over the newsmagazine's senior-aged audience with feel-good family stuff and little in the way of substantial announcements. In the following clip, Barack relates his presidential way of dealing with Michelle's mom Marian Robinson. Click for the video.Thanks to Blakeley for the CBS footage. You could hear Michelle Obama's exuberance as she discussed scouting her new digs:

Kroft: What was it like going through there? Michelle Obama: Well, first of all, Laura Bush was just so gracious. She is a really sweet person. And couldn't have been more excited and enthusiastic about the tour. So that was wonderful. And her entire team, their team has been working closely just to make us feel welcome. But the White House is beautiful. It is awe-inspiring. It is. What I felt walking through there was that it is a great gift and an honor to be able to live here. And you know we want to make sure that we're upholding what that house stands for. But I couldn't help but envisioning the girls running into their rooms and, you know, running down the hall and with a dog. And, you know, you start picturing your life there. And our hope is that the White House will feel open and fun and full of life and energy. Mr. Obama: Sleepovers. Michelle Obama: And sleepovers.

You can read the full transcript of the Steve Kroft interview here.