
All the Trash Levi Johnston Has Talked About His Future Mother-in-Law

Maureen O'Connor · 07/15/10 05:21PM

When he marries Bristol Palin next month, Levi Johnston will enter the most awkward family dynamic ever. Let us count the reasons Sarah Palin has to hate her son-in-law, with an exhaustive collection of Levi Johnston's cruelest quotes about Sarah.

"I'm Not Stupid, Man"

Alex Carnevale · 11/16/08 09:00PM

Tonight's 60 Minutes sit-down with President-Elect Barack Obama and his wife Michelle was the media equivalent of a fluffernutter sandwich, and it tasted good. Here the couple were relaxed and clearly happy to have ended the long campaign. Giggling with big smiles, the two won over the newsmagazine's senior-aged audience with feel-good family stuff and little in the way of substantial announcements. In the following clip, Barack relates his presidential way of dealing with Michelle's mom Marian Robinson. Click for the video.Thanks to Blakeley for the CBS footage. You could hear Michelle Obama's exuberance as she discussed scouting her new digs: