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Michelle Obama has been beloved by the fashion community since the early days of the 2008 campaign, as you're probably well aware. But she's now in danger of losing a fan in Tim Gunn. It seems the First Lady made the disastrous decision to wear a pair of crocs a few weeks ago and the Project Runway host isn't having any of it. On the Bonnie Hunt Show yesterday, Gunn started off by saying he was prepared to give Michelle the benefit of the doubt just this once. "I'm trying to look at this positively," he says. "I'm trying to think she was doing a footwear experiment. And she's decided to put them aside."

But he also says that if she doesn't heed his advice (and common sense) and get rid of the crocs immediately, he'll be forced to take action:

It will be my first fashion intervention. I will go to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and insist I be taken to her closet.

Gunn can probably go ahead and book that plane ticket to DC now. Because not only does the official Crocs blog point out that Michelle has worn her crocs on multiple occasions now, it also says it considers her part of the "Crocs community." But let's hope that while he's there he finds a minute or two to also advise Barack on some new jeans and sandals to purchase.

Tim Gunn on Michelle Obama's Crocs [Stylewatch]