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Moammar Khadafy didn't get to stay in Bedford last night—construction on his Bedouin-style tent was halted last night after his plans to camp out on Donald Trump's estate were revealed publicly—and he instead had to bunk down at the Libyan mission on East 48th Street. The world's most fashionable dictator held his first meeting of the day early this morning when he had a tête-à-tête with one the few people willing to talk to him, Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan. Then it was off to the United Nations where he bypassed protesters and delivered a rambling speech about, well, you name it. Dressed in tan-colored robes, black cap, and with a shiny black pin in the shape of Africa pinned over his heart, Khadafy relied on a handful of handwritten pages to deliver a 90-minute speech, which was about 75 minutes or so over the limit.

And what did he have to say? It was all kinds of crazy, naturally. Some choice bits from Foreign Policy's minute-by minute coverage:

As representative of African Union (nations and traditional kingdoms) Qaddafi congratulates "our son" Obama. Ummm....

Qaddafi not holding back today. Suggests swine flu may have been created in laboratory as weapon.

Holding up copy of U.N. charter, Qaddafi says, "We do not accept it, we do not acknowledge it, neither to we recognize it. "

Compares Security Council veto to Julius Caesar being made emperor

Qaddafi gives shout-out to Silvio Berlusconi for apologizing for World War II crimes. Calls it a "glorious act." In the context of this speech, that's probably not a great thing for Berlusconi.

Now heaping praise on the "black, African, Kenyan" president of the United States

We would be happy if Obama would stay forever as president."

He keeps calling Obama "our son."

Good lord... Qaddafi now questioning the official record on the Kennedy assassination.

"Perhaps tomorrow we will have a fish flu."

Arguing against having the U.N. in New York: "Is this Jerusalem, is the the Vatican, is this Mecca? All of you are tired with jet lag, are very tired. Physically speaking you are very low. All of you are asleep." Says he was up at 4 a.m. last night.

Finally, one matter on which we can agree! Why does the UN have hold this session in NYC every year and disrupt the city for a week? Next year in Tripoli!

Qaddafi time: Security council is "terror council" [Foreign Policy]
Qaddafi Delivers a Rambling Diatribe [NYT]
Gadhafi Hijacks Spotlight at U.N. [CBS News]