
Donald Does Damage Control

cityfile · 09/30/09 03:48PM

Donald Trump has been uncharacteristically quiet since the news broke last week that he accidentally rented the mansion he owns in Bedford to Libyan dictator Moammar Khadafy. (Sometimes bad press is just bad press, even for a craven attention addict like Donald Trump.) But America's biggest loudmouth is now speaking up about what went down and he's doing pretty much what you'd expect him to do in a case like this: He's trying to make it seem like it was all for the best.

Making Over Moammar

cityfile · 09/24/09 10:41AM

Moammar Khadafy may be completely crazy. And he may be one of the world's worst dictators as far as Washington is concerned. But just because you're a vicious dictator and an international pariah doesn't mean you can't be stylish, too. (And, really: If everyone is going to despise you no matter what, you might as well feel good about yourself when you look in the mirror, right?) Fortunately, we're here to help. Since Khadafy is spending the week in New York—the fashion capital of the universe—it seemed like an opportune time to give the Libyan leader a few style pointers. At last night's reception to celebrate the opening of the Spider Silk exhibit at the American Museum of Natural History, reporter Douglas Marshall took celebrity stylist Phillip Bloch aside to get a few tips on how Khadafy could reinvent himself. And because Moammar has always been known to love the ladies—he's protected at all times by a contingent of attractive, female bodyguards, for example—we asked one of the most beautiful women around, actress Heather Graham, to weigh in as well. Some honest advice to Moammar is below.

The End of the Tent

cityfile · 09/23/09 04:30PM

Moammar Khadafy's tent in Donald Trump's backyard was dismantled this afternoon. As for how much Trump really knew about who had rented his Bedford property—or whether he was truly duped by the Libyan leader's reps—that remains an open question. In what may be a historic first for the Trumpster, he's turning down all interview requests for the time being. Savor the moment. [AP, previously]

Khadafy Speaks!

cityfile · 09/23/09 10:18AM

Moammar Khadafy didn't get to stay in Bedford last night—construction on his Bedouin-style tent was halted last night after his plans to camp out on Donald Trump's estate were revealed publicly—and he instead had to bunk down at the Libyan mission on East 48th Street. The world's most fashionable dictator held his first meeting of the day early this morning when he had a tête-à-tête with one the few people willing to talk to him, Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan. Then it was off to the United Nations where he bypassed protesters and delivered a rambling speech about, well, you name it. Dressed in tan-colored robes, black cap, and with a shiny black pin in the shape of Africa pinned over his heart, Khadafy relied on a handful of handwritten pages to deliver a 90-minute speech, which was about 75 minutes or so over the limit.

Libya 1, Donald Trump 0

cityfile · 09/22/09 08:30PM

"Donald Trump may have inadvertently rented property in a ritzy New York suburb to loathed Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, who has spent weeks trying to find a place to pitch his trademark tent while in town for the United Nations General Assembly meeting," ABC News now reports, confirming a previous account that the Libyan leader was planning to spend the week in Bedford. Team Trump claims it rented the property to a bunch of Middle Eastern dudes, but had no idea they had any connection to the Libyan leader. Says a Trump rep: "We have business partners and associates all over the world. The property was leased on a short-term basis to Middle Eastern partners who may or may not have a relationship to Mr. Gaddafi. We are looking into the matter now." Meanwhile, work constructing the tent has been halted by town officials. That's what they're hoping anyway: "Attorney Joel Sachs said officials found workers constructing the tent but could not communicate with them because they didn't speak English. He said they gave the order to stop the work to the property's caretaker." [ABC News, HuffPo]

The Mess in Midtown

cityfile · 09/22/09 07:53AM

If there's any way you can avoid Midtown today, do so. Thanks to roughly 120 heads of state in New York for the opening of the UN General Assembly, this will likely go down as the absolutely worst day of the year as far as gridlock and temperamental cab drivers are concerned. (If it makes you feel any better, President Obama extended his apologies to NYC residents for all the traffic tie-ups on the Late Show with David Letterman last night.)

Khadafy's Welcome Mat Gets Wet

cityfile · 09/21/09 10:03AM

Libyan leader Moammar Khadafy won't be staying at the Pierre Hotel when he descends on NYC this week to attend the opening session of the U.N. General Assembly. Hotel guests outraged by the plan seem to have forced Libya to change its plans and he'll now be staying at the Libyan Mission to the U.N. instead. Not that staying at a building owned by his own government isn't still creating drama. It seems a dog peed on the red carpet that had been rolled out to welcome Khadafy, and "aggravated Libyan officials were forced to cut away a section of the carpet that stretched across the E. 48th St. sidewalk from the curbs to the steps." [NYDN, previously]

DJ AM's Death, Chelsea Wedding Rumors

cityfile · 08/31/09 06:06AM

• DJ AM's overdose on Friday appears to have been accidental, according to law enforcement sources who spoke with TMZ. It seems the celeb DJ, who claimed he'd been sober for 11 years, only started using drugs again after he was prescribed anti-anxiety and pain meds following his plane crash last year. [TMZ, NYDN]
• Those rumors that Chelsea Clinton plans to marry boyfriend Marc Mezvinsky in Martha's Vineyard this summer are heating up again. A large tent and stage have been set up in the area, although no one's sure if it's for the Clinton wedding. [P6]
• Joan Rivers says Libyan leader Moammar Khadafy was thinking about renting her Fifth Avenue apartment for $200K a week, but recently changed his mind. The upshot? Rivers won't have to worry about the dictator "roasting cows in her living room." [P6]