• Confirming the rumors from a few weeks back, Fox Business says it will begin simulcasting Don Imus' radio show beginning next month. [LAT]
• The total number of advertisers that have decided to yank their ads from Glenn Beck's Fox News show, according to ColorofChange: 57. [NYDN]
• More on the transition at ABC News: Charles Gibson's decision to retire took ABC execs by surprise; an effort to get him to change his mind didn't work; and it's still unclear who will replace Diane Sawyer at GMA. [NYT]
• Is YouTube going to be the new Netflix? The site is reportedly in talks with Hollywood studios about renting new release movies online. [WSJ]
• Two new women have been added to the cast of SNL. [AP]
• Erin Andrews returns to ESPN tonight for the first time since that whole hote room videotaping incident went down a few weeks back. [NYDN]
OK!'s circulation is dropping. Naturally, things will get much better just as soon as Kim Kardashian takes up her new post at the magazine. [AdAge]

• Want to buy a piece of the Travel Channel? Half a billion bucks is probably enough to get you Comcast's 65 percent stake in the company. [FT]
• TV networks engaged in an absurd amount of ass-kissing to try and land an interview with Rod Blagojevich right after he was arrested. [Gawker]
• Rodale is pitching in to support President Obama's health care plan. [NYT]
• Dr. Phil will be Oprah's guest on Sept. 17, making it his first appearance on her program since launching his own show seven years ago. Thrilling. [NYP]
• The story in the Daily News about the rapper who got Warner Music to pay for to go Cornell to earn a PhD? It was hoax, it turns out. [Slate]
• The Telluride Film Festival kicks off on Friday. [THR]
• Why did so many newspapers and magazines insist Chelsea Clinton was getting married this summer when she, like, wasn't? Because deep down in their seemingly cold, dark hearts, journalists are just a big bunch of hopeless romantics, that's why. [NYT]