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Lou Dobbs, CNN's resident immigrant-hating xenophobe, has provoked a good deal of controversy in recent days for indulging those wacko conspiracy theorists who seem to believe that Barack Obama was not actually born in the United States, but instead came into this word at a fanatical madrassa in Indonesia or wherever. But is President Obama the black man that Dobbs should be most concerned about these days? We think not.

Debi Lee Segura Dobbs, the CNN blowhard's gun-toting, foreign-car-driving wife, joined Twitter a few weeks ago. And who, in her first tweet, did she excitedly report that she was following, right after her own kids? John Legend! The same John Legend, of course, who enthusiastically endorsed Obama in 2008 and can be seen singing on that "Yes We Can" video from last fall's presidential campaign.

The enemy, clearly, isn't just at Dobbs' gates. It's bypassed the security cordon around Dobbs' massive New Jersey estate and made it all the way to his bedroom.

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Debi Lee Segura Dobbs [Twitter]
Hillary Dobbs [Twitter]
Previously: Lou Dobbs' Taste for the Un-American [Cityfile]