
Lou Dobbs: ¡Vota por Mi !

cityfile · 11/25/09 11:20AM

Former CNN anchor and immigrant hater Lou Dobbs is thinking about running for elected office. (He may mount a campaign for Senate from New Jersey, but he hasn't ruled out a run for president.) So now it's time to backtrack to try and woo that all-important Latino demographic! Dobbs now says he supports plans to legalize undocumented workers, an idea he ripped apart nightly for, oh, years when he was sitting in the anchor chair at CNN. And he's now "trying to wipe away his image as an enemy of Latino immigrants by positioning himself as a champion of that fast-growing ethnic bloc." As a champion, no less! Buena suerte with that, Lou. [WSJ]

Lou Dobbs and the Enemy Within

cityfile · 07/29/09 08:33AM

Lou Dobbs, CNN's resident immigrant-hating xenophobe, has provoked a good deal of controversy in recent days for indulging those wacko conspiracy theorists who seem to believe that Barack Obama was not actually born in the United States, but instead came into this word at a fanatical madrassa in Indonesia or wherever. But is President Obama the black man that Dobbs should be most concerned about these days? We think not.