• The New York Times Co. is selling its classical radio station WQXR to WNYC Radio and Univision as part of a "complex deal." One thing that isn't complex: The sale will pump a much-needed $45 million into the paper's coffers. [NYT]
• Is Rupert Murdoch planning to buy the Daily News from Mort Zuckerman? That's what some are suggesting, although Mort is denying it. [DailyFinance]
• McGraw-Hill shouldn't expect to make much from the sale of BusinessWeek. In fact, the company may be forced to give the magazine away. [FT]
• Neil Patrick Harris has signed on to host this year's Emmy Awards. [NYDN]
• Russell Brand will be the host of the MTV Video Music Awards. [Vulture]

• ABC News is denying that it paid $200,000 for the first sit-down interview with Joe Jackson. It just paid him for archival footage, that's all! [LAT]
• Comcast will test out streaming shows from HBO and Cinemax. [AP]
• Rumor has it Amazon may be looking to acquire Netflix. [LAT]
• A new series on NBC will allow viewers to follow along as real, live terrorists are captured. Let's all hope Osama bin Laden is grabbed up as part of the show, so NBC's Ben Silverman finally has a success to boast about. [NYT]