Did you know Jennifer Lopez once had a nervous breakdown? Or that she's a pretty big fan of crackpot religion Scientology? By the standards of the average modern celebrity profile—where a diarrhea story counts as a scoop—this is pretty good material. So why did it end up running today in Tina Brown's newly launched Daily Beast, instead of in a real magazine? Because a real magazine spiked it. Because they were scared of J-Lo! Sez the Beast:

The interview was originally done for a major fashion magazine, which removed [reporter Kevin Sessums] from the story after Lopez regretted some of her comments and asked that the story not be published.

What "comments" did she object to? We're guessing this one in particular, which of course is the lead angle:

There was a time when I was very overworked and I was doing music and movies and so many things. I was suffering from a lack of sleep. And I did have a kind of nervous breakdown. I froze up on a set. Well, not on a set, but in my trailer. I was like, ‘I don’t want to move. I don’t want to talk. I don’t want to do anything.’ It was on that movie Enough [in 2002]. Yeah. I did. I had a nervous breakdown.

There's also a section in which she defends Scientology, though she says she's not a Scientologist herself. But her dad was one! Okay, so celebrities and their flacks can be touchy. Neither of these parts really make J-Lo look bad at all; run of the mill stress breakdown (which she apparently got over quickly), and sympathy for Scientology. Well, how many people are sympathetic to their own dad's religion? Most of them! The more interesting question: what magazine spiked the piece? Because, honestly, they kind of look like shameful celebrity fellators now. Jesus, none of this is really "news," but the fact that Sessums turned in what was at least a moderately interesting celebrity profile with new information in it is a pretty unassailable not to spike it. So what "major fashion magazine" is totally in the tank for J-Lo? Depends on whether "fashion magazine" is an accurate descriptor or a kind of weaselly way to throw people off track so as not to burn any bridges. Is Vanity Fair a fashion magazine? Is GQ? Hard to tell. If you know the answer, email us. Guesses go in the comments. [Daily Beast]