Who's Priyantha Silva? Funny you should ask. He first appeared in 2006, described as a "drunken leech who feeds off of Manhattan's more exclusive social scene. As a semi-professional gatecrasher, he poses as Conde Nast editors, claims to be a producer, and like a true ass, pulls the 'do you know who I am' routine at doors." Ruh-roh: we got a tip from a lady—as is often the case with our favorite outlandish cads—saying she met Silva at a recent film festival and was saved from his clutches by doing some pre-emptive Googling. How's the game going for the tax-evading, reporter-threatening con artist that Conde Nast once had to pull an investigation on?

You saved me. I recently bartended the after party of the New York Surf Film Festival. While almost all party-goers were laid-back and cool, there was one guest that was a sweaty mess, and not a hot one. It started with my making the required small talk. When asked if he was part of the film festival he replied, "No, I make Oscar winners." Ahhh, touché sir. Taking the bait, I said, "Would I know any of your films?" to which he responded, "Juno, Crash." I said, "Oh, the David Cronenburg "Crash"? I loved that," knowing full well that he meant the overly-wrought, forced mess that came out a few year ago. He stared blankly. I thought, "This guy is full of shit." Not that there aren't self-important film producers out there, but really, opening to a bartender with that? He drank vodka straight all night like it was water and sweat like he was on fire. Any guess who I'm talking about yet? More hints. After learning that I was a performer, he gave me a professionally printed card claiming him a Managing Partner of Red Wagon Films and said, "We can get you SAG, you're very pretty." Six vodkas later, he asked for my e-mail address so that he could take me to the premiere of "Changeling" this Wednesday. I gave it to him, thinking that if there was a chance that he was for real, I could network and play dumb on his expectations. He sends me details on where to meet as well as five projects "in development" to review. The ridiculous caliber of casting sent me straight to IMDB and—shock—none were there!! I Googled his film company (no site) and his name...and you enlightened me! Priyantha Silva is still going strong! Thankfully I'm 1) cynical enough to know when something sounds too good to be true; 2) smart enough to do a background check on a stranger before meeting them; and 3) have way too much pride to ever consider banging someone for a role. Thankfully you are on top of it and made it easy. I'm sure that there's many a desperate actress, hoping for a break in NYC, because this guy is fairly good. Hopefully they'll have the sense to Google him before they give out an HJ or some P in the V. Word. I sent him the link and he said that it was lies spread by an ex-girlfriend. Gawker, you're such a slut!

Tell us about it. Oh, do you wanna see the projects he's got "in development"? Stay tuned...