After giving short shrift to Barack Obama on two major broadcast TV shows Tuesday, Bill Clinton could hardly mention the Democratic presidential candidate's name enough on the basic cable Daily Show Wednesday. Perhaps comedian Chris Rock's well-aimed barbs in Clinton's wake on Late Show With David Letterman got through to the ex-president. But when host Jon Stewart brought up the Letterman incident, Clinton said Rock and other critics miss the point.

"I'm glad he's got people that love him that much but those are not the people that hold this election," Clinton said.

Instead Obama needs to reach independents and the bitters who voted for Hillary, and they need Clinton's nuanced message, even if the elites mistake it for glowing praise for Obama's opponent John McCain.

Then Clinton talked about how he and Hillary are longtime friends of McCain, but decided to support the nominee from their own political party because they are gracious non-emotional people, as we all know to be true, and also Hillary has been campaigning more for Obama than all other Democratic runners-up ever, combined, The End.

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