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Poor Gwyneth Paltrow: We can scarcely imagine how trying it must be to accept that ever since she won an Oscar ten years ago, the world has been increasingly remiss in validating her admirably high self-esteem. Her website,, whose sole aim was "to put good things into the world," was widely misconstrued as the out-of-touch ramblings of a narcissist, and then with the release of one of the few films she's deigned to make recently, Two Lovers, all people could talk about was her co-star Joaquin Phoenix going nuts instead of her bravura performance. So how to rehabilitate the unjustly devalued Paltrow brand? Duh, a clothing line, of course! It's a collaboration with Parisian brand ZOEtee and even better, the proceeds are going to a children's charity. No one could possibly find anything to criticize about that, could they?