• Today host Ann Curry moved during the national anthem at the Republican National Convention, because NBC hates freedom. Then she pointed at a nice lady from Alaska and yelled, because she is a terrorist. The Virgin Islands were also terribly offended. [P6]
  • Supposedly the word "nuclear" was spelled out as "new-clear" on Sarah Palin's TelePrompTer at the Republican National Convention so she wouldn't mess up the pronunciation again. Also: Uma Thurman is pregnant. [R&M]
  • Don't believe celebrity hype machines like the Times: Britney Spears uttered just four sentences at the Video Music Awards, not counting her brief awards acceptance speeches. Shockingly, Spears is said to be upset by her estranged mom's tell-all book about Spears's life.
  • Advertisers rejected the idea of having Girls Gone Wild honcho Joe Francis on Celebrity Apprentice. Donald Trump is at least pretending to think about creating some kind of other show for Francis to be creepy on. [P6]
  • As Tommy Lee Jones has learned, you can make a $160 million movie that wins four Academy Awards, and the movie studios will still try and screw you out of your bonus. [E!]
  • Lindsay Lohan supposedly wants to have a baby and raise it with Samantha Ronson. The classy Sun notes that she already has "two beautiful babies."
  • Ashlee Simpson: Pregnant with twins. Except for the minor detail that her rep says "it's not true." [Sun]
  • JFK's letters to Marilyn Monroe are in some kind of lock box that only Cindy Adams and some random Monroe groupie know about. [Post]