Sure, Harvard grads have to go through more interviews to get a job in Google customer service than Alaska governor Sarah Palin did to become Republican John McCain's nominee for vice president. But an aide says that doesn't mean the McCain campaign didn't properly vet the candidate as a story in today's New York Times alleges. They totally Googled her, okay?Aides told the paper that before deciding to choose Palin as his running mate just moments after meeting her for the first time last Thursday, McCain knew Palin's 17-year-old daughter was 5 months pregnant and betrothed to be married to another teenager. Also, McCain knew Palin is currently under an ethics investigation for allegedly improperly firing a state employee who wouldn't do her bidding — all it took to find that out was a quick Google search. “It was obviously something that anybody Googling Sarah Palin knew was in the news and there was a very thorough vetting done on that and also on the daughter,” the aid told the Times. Good to know McCain has — or at least his people have — finally figured "the Google" out after some initial confusion typical of Republicans in the White House and aiming for it.