• Anne Hathaway: "I was kind of afraid of [Barack] Obama the first time I saw him... I was afraid to trust him and I was afraid to have hope when I first kind of became aware of him. It was around the time that he gave his speech on race that I just said 'I can't deny how I feel about you, Barack Obama.'" Please just stop talking, Anne. This is almost worse than the Madonna/McCain/Hitler thing. [AP]
  • Lindsay Lohan's girlfriend Samantha Ronson is supposedly writing a book, which some people speculate will include prominent mentions of Lohan. Lindsay's estranged, constantly-courting-the-press father Michael piped up to complain: "People never even knew who Samantha Ronson was until she met Lindsay." Actually, Ronson had some renown as a DJ. Michael Lohan, on the other hand, was basically unknown. [Sun]
  • Jennifer Aniston flaunted the paparazzi attention her ex John Mayer so desperately craves. She also pretended to have a thrilling date at one of Mayer's favorite restaurants, proving that neither party has a lock on desperation. [OK!]
  • Ellen DeGeneres signed on to the big celebrity anti-cancer event being led by all the big broadcast news anchors. [E!]