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When even Simon Doonan, Barneys creative director and all-round style oracle, says that everyone needs to stop obsessing about Michelle Obama's fashion choices, we should probably pay attention. As he confides to NPR, he's "increasingly uncomfortable with this hysteria about what's she's going to wear and how she looks... you know, you want her to be known for something else: education, mental health, I don't know what else, but she has to be known for something other than looking great in a shift dress." Not that Doonan's own sartorial advice can—nor ever should!—be withheld: For the new First Lady, who has "that great physicality," he counsels simplicity. "When you start adding couture ruffles and fooffles and bows, you could get into trouble." We're sure Michelle is adding "no fooffles" to her pledges immediately.