• The list of companies, charities and individuals who lost massive sums in connection with Bernie Madoff continues to grow: Mort Zuckerman, Elie Wiesel, Sen. Frank Lautenberg and a charity tied to Steven Spielberg are just a few of the latest victims. [WSJ, NYT]
• Many of Madoff's victims were located in Palm Beach, where the mood is especially grim as wealthy retirees account for their losses. [NYT, WSJ]
• The Madoff saga isn't the only outrageous scheme to have been revealed in recent days, of course. The Times' report over the weekend on how Marc Dreier duped the likes of Sheldon Solow and the bank Perella Weinberg. [NYT]

• Almost a third of hedge funds will shut or merge in 2009. [Bloomberg]
• Goldman Sachs' winning streak will come to an end this week when the firm is expected to report its first quarterly loss ever. [DB]
• It's been three months since the markets started to unravel following the collapse of Lehman Brothers. Fortune takes a look at the "72 hours when the world's most powerful bankers met wound up changing the face of Wall Street forever." [Fortune]