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♦ What does Bravo have in the works to replace Project Runway if it moves to Lifetime? There's a Runway ripoff called The Fashion Show. There's also Celebrity Sew-Off, in which "celebrities" will compete in a competition for their own clothing label, which should be totally awesome because we've always wanted to buy jeans designed by Jill Zarin. [THR]
♦ The sponsors for Bravo's fifth season of Top Chef? Campbell's Soup, Diet Dr. Pepper, and Quaker. [AdAge]
♦ Because you haven't heard enough about Bravo today, the NYT magazine profile of Bravo boss Lauren Zalaznick (left) is now online. [NYT]
♦ More details on the cuts and layoffs at Condé Nast. [NYP]
♦ Condé Nast's glitzy Fashion Rocks show is no more. [AdAge]

♦ The Washington Post Co. said third-quarter profit tumbled 86 percent. [E&P]
♦ What will Sumner Redstone be worrying about this weekend? That CBS just reported a $12.5-billion third-quarter loss, most likely. [LAT]
♦ Another excerpt from Michael Wolff's forthcoming book, The Man Who Owns the News: Inside the Secret World of Rupert Murdoch. [VF]
♦ Both The Daily Show and The Colbert Report generated their highest ratings ever with appearances by Barack Obama. [THR]