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One of the only good things to come out of this year's The Other Boleyn Girl was a tough lesson in public relations for young actresses. As leading ladies Natalie Portman and Scarlett Johansson took their quasi-lesbian chic press tour from S&M magazine covers to poufy-lipped faux-kisses on red carpets, the period piece will sadly be remembered only for those posters shoving Scarlett’s mushy cleavage in America’s collective face. But the British version of Nat/ScarJo is still trying ever so hard to emulate the strategy, getting cheeky at film festivals, hugging one another just this shy of arousingly, and yes, even copying the original pair’s near-miss-kiss in public. Some visual examples, and why this admittedly less voluptuous and curvy duo may succeed where the corset-strapped Boleyns failed, after the jump.

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Just like the buzz leading up to the modestly successful Boleyn, Keira Knightley and Sienna Miller's Edge Of Love has received mixed reviews based on advance screenings. While Var says "it's all over the map, veering between artsy stylization and hum-drum, sometimes almost twee melodrama," THR thought the sweeping drama "succeeds as a deeply involving study of men and women caught up in a whirlwind beyond their control." Which leads us to defend our predictions that, just because Keira and Sienna lack Scarlett's curves and Natalie's perfect teeth, their Lohan/Ronson-esque behavior in public leading up to the film's release date will coincide perfectly with this particular flick's dose of understated sexiness. Rather than two tense women stuck in painful satin ensembles lingering around dim castles and fighting over some rich guy (Boleyn), Edge will feature Keira and Sienna battling it out over romantic Welsh poet Dylan Thomas, all the while wearing thin summer dresses and falling all over each other in Britain's windswept countryside fields. Who needs cleavage when, between the two of them, we'll see stems for days?

[Photo credits: Splash, Getty