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Oh, Gwyneth, you swanned back into the spotlight by hiring a stylist to put you in a string of mini-dress and S&M heel combos, but then the fun and games ended and your unparalleled talent for making people dislike you reared its ugly head. Last weekend you offended rich Hamptonites by refusing to breathe the same air as them at a benefit. Then on Saturday night you dissed Madonna by not showing up to her 50th birthday party. Today the media has branded you an enemy of defenseless animals.

Paltrow is fronting a fall campaign for Tods accessories, which include fur lined boots and bags, and appears in the ads draped in fox fur. Fur activists including PETA are up in arms and fuming that the wife of planet-saving vegan Chris Martin (who herself is an avowed vegetarian) should now be ashamed of herself. Funny, we've been ashamed of her for years!

Fur Flies As Gwyneth Offends Her Animal-Rights Friends [Independent]