• Britney Spears managed to stay out of the mental hospital for, like, three whole months, so a court commissioner was "extremely impressed." The singer now gets more time — possibly three days per week — with her kids. No one seems to know how much time she had with them before. But she can maybe have the children over for sleepovers in a month, depending, probably, on how her next TV cameo goes. The system works!
  • A Columbia student's $11,000 mink coat was stolen from a New York club during a private party, and she figured she was screwed. Then she saw actress Lindsay Lohan wearing it in a paparazzi photo. She went apeshit and had it returned, but no explanation was forthcoming. "Reeking of cigarettes and booze with a slight tear in the lining, the fur coat was no worse for wear after a dry cleaning and quick patch-up." [P6]
  • Actor Charlie Sheen has a date for his wedding. Oh, and he's also putting it on the calendar. HEY-OH! Seriously, though, May 30. Only 22 bachelor parties to go! [Perez]
  • Angelina Jolie's forthcoming twins are girls, but there are all kinds of worries about the birth. [Star]