Katie Couric is the only evening news anchor who has not hosted a Democratic presidential debate in this election cycle, and there have been 21 debates, so that's kind of sad. What's sadder is that it looks like the CBS Evening News anchor might never get to host a debate, ever. First it was the writers strike that got in Couric's way, then Hillary Clinton rejected her first proposed date, April 19, because it was on the first day of Passover. Then Couric came up with a date that worked for Clinton, April 27, but now the Obama campaign says that won't work, probably because it's the Islamic day of elitism and Obama will be burning a flag in a madrassa to celebrate.

There's an outside chance of a debate in Indiana in May, but for some reason Couric won't be allowed to host that one. If Couric leaves her CBS anchor job right after the election as some people expect, she'll lose her inside track on debate hosting for future presidential elections, and will have to content herself with inviting candidates to crack jokes on her fake comedy news show or whatever she ends up hosting. [Times]