
Obama Won't Let Sad Couric Have Her Very Own Debate

Ryan Tate · 04/21/08 09:10PM

Katie Couric is the only evening news anchor who has not hosted a Democratic presidential debate in this election cycle, and there have been 21 debates, so that's kind of sad. What's sadder is that it looks like the CBS Evening News anchor might never get to host a debate, ever. First it was the writers strike that got in Couric's way, then Hillary Clinton rejected her first proposed date, April 19, because it was on the first day of Passover. Then Couric came up with a date that worked for Clinton, April 27, but now the Obama campaign says that won't work, probably because it's the Islamic day of elitism and Obama will be burning a flag in a madrassa to celebrate.

Katie Couric Can Only Host Debates About After-School Snacks

Rebecca · 03/05/08 01:17PM

After 20 or so primary debates, you might have thought that li'l Katie Couric, anchor of the CBS Evening News, would get a chance to moderate one, but you'd be wrong. Practically every other telegenic person in broadcasting has but Katie. There are a bunch of justifications, like CBS News is cheap, CBS News writers' labor dispute, and scheduling conflicts. But these are just excuses. The real reason is that if Katie Couric ever hosted a DNC debate, there would be two vags on stage too many. (Campbell Brown doesn't count as a girl, since she's a real DC journalist, as evidenced by her requisite interest-conflicty marriage to a political operative.) [NYO]