Natasha Collins-the British former model who starred in the TV show See It, Saw It, and who a coroner's report revealed was scalded to death in her bathtub in January while she had more than five times the lethal dose of cocaine in her system-left behind a fiance who went missing in London six days ago. His body was found today "in a remote spot at Paddington railway station. Officers said he was not struck by a train." The boyfriend, children's TV presenter Mark Speight, disappeared days after appearing at Collins' inquest looking "drawn and gaunt."

"The 42-year-old presenter was in a 'vulnerable' state following the drug death of his fiancee, Natasha Collins, in January. A spokesman for British Transport Police said: 'At this stage the death is being treated as unexplained. The body has been removed from the scene and CCTV from the station has been seized as part of the ongoing investigation.' Sky's Kitty Logan, in Paddington, said: 'We don't know how long the body lay there, or who found him.'"

Speight (left) "was initially arrested on suspicion of murder and supplying Class A drugs, but last month Scotland Yard said he would not face any charges over the death[...] He had been planning a tribute concert in memory of Miss Collins, his best friend said." [SkyNews]