• Actress Jessica Alba did something nice for a sick girl, and if you focus on the pictures and edit out the exclamation points in the copy, the story is kind of sweet. (That's just... I got something in my eye, is all. Shut up.) [Star]
  • The latest rumored comeback strategy for Britney Spears is a reality show supposedly being pitched to several major networks by her once and current manager Larry Rudolph. Past rumors focused on a concert tour, t-shirt line and something involving Danish furniture. This one has the advantage of working even if the singer loses her shit again. [Oh No They Didn't]
  • Apparently Spears is an insult to the artistic integrity of Doogie Howser. Neil Patrick Harris of How I Met Your Mother, formerly of Doogie, dissed Spears, who recently did a cameo: "I'm in the minority that feels our show does not need stunt casting in order to succeed... I worry that if they start Will and Grace-ing us too much, that the show will suffer. We're all really proud of the content of the show." [OK!]
  • George Clooney's girlfriend is not only stashing her clothes at his place, but also took the bold step of installing scented candles and fresh flowers. The actor is out of town promoting his movie, and the girlfriend, Sarah Larson, is just kind of crashing. And, you know, suffocating him. [OK!]
  • Nelson Mandela confirmed rapper Eminem for his 90th birthday party. [Sun]
  • Vanilla Ice was arrested on a domestic battery charge. According to TMZ, the rapper, real name Robert Van Winkle, pushed his wife during an argument. He's in jail pending a trial Friday morning.