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Michelle Obama's team is desperately counteracting the "angry black woman" role Republican commentators have cast her in, with strategies like today's guest appearance on The View during which she demonstrated what a warm and chummy everywoman she really is. Republicans will continue to take their swipes at Mrs. O., of course. But she may not have to worry about her fashion judgement getting called into question, as she's getting one of the best weapons any high-profile woman could ask for: Andre Leon Talley wants to take control of her wardrobe! As the fashion industry's sole African-American superstar, the Vogue editor-at-large clearly considers it his duty—his right!—to decide how the hopeful First Lady should dress. He'll no doubt do a fine job, assuming he doesn't go all Jennifer Hudson on her. One small caveat, ALT, if we may: We know you're fond of turbans for yourself, but perhaps that sort of thing should be avoided for Michelle—it will only lead to all manner of silly misintepretation!