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Attention, natives of Puebla residing illegally in Bergen County: Lou Dobbs may be running for Governor of New Jersey! CNN's most unrepentent xenophobe is mulling a gubernatorial bid, the Newark Star-Ledger reports today. Dobbs, whom a few like-minded immigrant-haters unsucessfully tried to persuade to run for president this year, is said to be considering a run against Democratic incumbent Jon Corzine, who is now saddled with a 52% disapproval rating. The normally voluble commentator isn't commenting on the rumors, but many state Republicans want nothing to do with the idea. One local GOP operative, David Norcross, calls the prospect of Dobbs in the Governor's Mansion "dreadful." In the unlikely scenario Lou does run and win, Gov. Dobbs may not go so far as to personally escort New Jersey's illegals out of the state, but you can rest assured he won't be offering them driver's licenses anytime soon.